Whitmore Farms Market
Wayne and Connie’s eldest, Justin, grew up participating in 4-H and FFA projects including showing pigs and working on growing and maximizing production of blackberry bushes. Justin graduated from OSU with a degree in Ag Business with a focus in Economics and Marketing that he has utilized both on and off the farm.
Off the farm, Justin has worked with the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture as their Market Development Coordinator helping farmers around the state promote their farmers’ markets to provide Oklahoman’s access to fresh, local food. In 2009, Justin signed a one year contract with the US Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Ag Service as an Agricultural Liaison in Iraq. While there, Justin worked on a Provincial Reconstruction Team with government employees, US military personel, and Iraqi farmers to make sure proper equipment and support were provided to local farmers to stabilize the country. In 2012, Justin started working for Oklahoma Farm Bureau where he is now the Director of Field Services and enjoys supporting Oklahoma’s farmers and ranchers in engaging consumers and facilitating their political engagement at the state level.
On the farm, Justin has continued to grow the diversity and productivity of his blackberry bushes in addition to planting a small peach orchard. Justin further diversified the farm by adding wheat and soybean crops in 2010.
In 2012, Justin met Ciera who was 2 generations removed from the farm but familiar with ranching from her grandparent’s small cow/calf operation in Leedey, OK. While Ciera had limited knowledge and experience with farming and ranching, she was willing to learn, and-eventually-convinced to join the crazy life at Whitmore Farms.
Ciera has since taken over much of the management of the peach orchard with focus on increasing production while utilizing proper husbandry and management of the trees. Ciera has also found a love for marketing and educating consumers through her photography and managing Whitmore Farm’s Facebook and Instagram accounts. Off the farm, Ciera works as an occupational therapist at Stillwater Medical Center Home Health serving many rural communities in north central Oklahoma, including assisting farmers and ranchers get back to their occupations after injury or illness.
Justin and Ciera can be seen throughout the summer at Saturday markets in Stillwater assisting Connie and Leo. Together, with the help and support of Wayne and Connie, they are looking towards the future of Whitmore Farms by working on opening a store (Coming Spring 2022) located off of Highway 33 between Coyle and Perkins to sell produce and beef directly from the farm in addition to the farmer’s markets.